"If you've ever kissed a baby you know that once is never enough. It just isn't. No one could possibly be satisfied with just one kiss unless they're a politician in a hurry. Babies have special powers; babies could get me to sign up for a pyramid scheme just waving their soft skin and pudge in front of me. And one thing's for sure, I love to kiss my babies. The first kiss is just a "Hello, where are you especially delicious right now?" kiss, hunting around, figuring out where could possibly top yesterday's or this morning's delicious spot, and then there. There it is. Sometimes it takes some tilting and lifting of limbs on your part, but the perfect spots are there for the taking. My favorite spot is what my mother calls "The Goosemeats" (one of those odd terms you know is centuries old). The Goosemeats are found in the folds of the neck, directly below the ear. You know that spot. It makes baby giggle like no other spot and it’s warm as toast. When you've discovered The Goosemeats you've created a standard for all other kissable spots. In one of my all-time favorite Jess McDaniel photos, my very obliging baby pudding Bodie is about to get kisses on The Goosemeats, and big sister Hanne is onto something promising up top.
Such a beautiful picture!
How could one not be in love. What a beautiful photo!
Makes me want to kiss my babies right now! I think the Goosemeats are located near the Goozles.
This photo is beautiful and makes me want another baby...!!
Jess, your photos are fabulous and so sweet. We need to have you come work your magic on Jack!
-Liz & Kevin
Oh yummy, I never heard the term Goosemeats before, but I'll buy it. I love this photo. Too cute!
Pure happiness!
Delicious indeed...I just love the expression!
This photo makes me smile. That's all I need to say!
Brilliant framing of a lovely baby.
Love the pic & the goosemeats!
This is the best picture ! love it !
Awesome shot! This picture brings back some very nice memories. Thanks.
Bodie and Hanne are the cutest loving sibs!
Absolutely beautiful ! True love was captured!
Beautiful picture of those beautiful kids!
yay so cute
-nick =D
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