Once as a tiny infant barely strong enough to lift her own head. Jess captured both her minuteness and (to my surprise) the softness of new motherhood.
Once as a toddler celebrating her first year, gleefully charging down the driveway on her own two feet. Jess captured this glee and (to my dismay) the evidence of our broken marriage, two proud parents sitting awkwardly together for a family photo.
Once as a two year old, in charge of herself and the world. Jess captured her independence and (to my extreme delight) the reminder that our broken marriage is not broken but a new kind of family: with new form, texture, and solidity. A family shaped differently than most, to be sure, but a family nonetheless, with parents and child loving each other deeply, spread out across multiple homes, and welcoming new people into the circle we call family.
It is with a joyfully bursting heart that I look at this, one of my favorites, of the three of us. Because Jess unwittingly tracked not just the growth of our child, but the growth of a family into what it is today: happy.
I love this photo & all of the photos of Avi & SerahRose!
I love these photos of SerahRose and Avi!!!
Yaaa Aviendha and your family!!!
SerahRose, thank you for that post. It's a great reminder for another un-average family. Beautiful people. Beautiful picture.
This is one of my favorites too! And, I agree, that she has captured the essence of the family that cherishes deeply that Avi-do!
Thanks SerahRose, your comments give hope to someone going through that changing of the family! Avi is beautiful!
Gorgeous photo! Gorgeous family!
That poem is so well done. Not only are you an actress but you are also a poet as well. Keep on writing.
Sara M.
I vote for SerahRose!
I vote for SerahRose!
Yay Avi and SerahRose!
Adorable picture
Great photo of three great people. They get my vote!
Of course I vote for our wonderful family!
Beautiful picture.
One vote for me! Love this picture :)
One vote from the Wes-man :)
Great photos, great niece SerahRose, and her terrific daughter, Avi!
You guys are beautiful. What a great capture of how you feel about Avi!
I vote for Avi and her happy smile!
I love seeing pictures of your family!
I really adore this photo--it's an amazing photo of a child and a family moment. Very precious.
Avi-in-the-air captures a glee we should all occasionally feel!
Love it! Beautiful in every way.
What a beautiful and evolved way of looking at your experience SerahRose!
Gorgeous picture. Happy people make my life.
Too cute!
Great Photo!!
The photo is beautiful, and the accompanying text is enlightening. I never thought of it that way.
Love the pic and the story behind it. Great smile!
I have this photo on my fridge because it's so wonderful! And because I love SerahRose and Avi ;-)
Love it!!! It's a great photo of the 3 of them!!
Cousins Sheri and Chuck hope you win. Excellent photo. Love to you and Avi!
Wonderful photo fo the three of you! And I love your description of it Serah Rose....
adorable picture. you can see how happy avi's little world is.
Beautiful picture!
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