Friday, October 16, 2009

A tutu, a pond, and a girl and her mama

This beauty I met when she was mere weeks old, and now she's a big girl of three. Here she is, falling into a bowl. Hehe.
3281 by you.

In her tutu, showing me her spinning top:
3258 by you.

Isn't she lovely?
3263 by you.

We went for a little ride around the corner on her tricycle:
3313 by you.

Then, you can only imagine my glee when we went across the street to a beautiful little pond... too many sweet moments to even post:
3429 by you.

We got this one with the two of them in focus instead of the flower, too, but I much prefer this one. My assistant just looked over my shoulder and called it "fairy tale-ish". Definitely.
3372 by you.

A hug on the dock:
3353 by you.

Investigating a ladybug:
3384 by you.

Love love this:
3471 by you.

I just have such fun with this little lady, I'm sad every year when the shoot's over!
3423 by you.

3459 by you.

And my favorite part about this one is mom's hand in the edge of the frame. Um, that spot for lying down? Ummmm... making everybody nervous... I almost couldn't take the picture. But I did ;) So much fun as always!

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3479 by you.


Uncle Steve said...

Nothing is more beautiful than seeing
a mother/ daughter spending quality
time together! great pictures you took of them together and the beautiful child by herself! the
mother has passed on her natural
beauty to her daughter! they picked
a wonderful photographer!

annette d said...

Avi is soo photogenic...every picture I see of her she is so amazed by every detail of life..these photos really bring that out...wonderful

Unknown said...

I love these pictures!!! Avi is such a beautiful little girl and the pictures really captured how adorable and fun she is!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! Avi and her mom are both radiant people, and you captured them so well!

Gary said...

Truly beautiful pictures! I wish I lived up your way so you could get shots of my family too!

- Disappointed but delighted in Virgina

Gramma Shannie said...

Gramma Shannie (the mom of the mom) is brought to tears every year by the beauty of my family that you manage to capture with your photography. Thank you! And (that photo lying on the dock) you not only captured the love of nature that the little one has, but the trust that exists between them -- you make emotions and love so palpable.

Teri said...

i love the "hug on the dock!" beautiful moments!

Emily Bronstein said...

Lovely photos! You did a great job capturing small lovely moments!

Just a Girl said...

Great shots! Love the Ladybug photo. To me it really captures A and SR :0).

KarenKrafts said...

Absolutely beautiful!

Zemilia said...

I am so happy you have beautiful pics of both child and lovely Mama!

Anonymous said...

Loved the pictures! I can't believe it's been three years! What a beautiful family!

Unknown said...

OMG I love the picture of Avi upclose two after the ladybug one! I just think you can see her spirit so clearly through it! Oh, and the one above is also wonderful - mama and daughter giggling... made me smile

Unknown said...

The grrls in the fairy tale image so well capture their world -- the rest are only just beautiful, says Popi

UncleBobInCA said...

Love that first one!

Lauren said...

Beautiful pictures! I started following your blog last year after A's mom showed me her two year old shoot. All of your sessions are gorgeous but it is especially nice to see pictures of a kiddo that I know. My favorite is number 3. So calm and serious and thinking...just beautiful :)

Uncle Pat said...

My two favorite nieces.....Love the pictures.

Nona said...

Once again they are beautiful. Thanks Jessica. It will be hard to choose. They are indeed, two beautiful girls. Nona

Bubbe Barbara said...

She's a darling child. And as sweet as she is beautiful!