And giving his dog some love. I adore this pup's expression here. It's so patient, but yet so knowing... As if he's saying, "Really, guys? Really?" Reminds me of a photo I took a few years back of my little girl and our cat.

He took a bit of time playing stickers with his momma:

And then we went for a walk. I love the light through the trees here:

Played a bit of t-ball:

Doesn't mom look gorgeous here?

Big boy J was so obliging to turn and show me his nice smile while he ran :)


Giving mom some love:

It was really great to meet you guys!
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Wow great photos
love black and whites
-peter- Tampa Florida
I absolutely love these!!! The last one is my favorite, all big smiles on the Comperchio fam!
Realy great photos. I like the on of the family on the stairs.
Gramdpa, Auburndale, FL
The last pic is my favorite! You guys look great and I cannot wait to see you!
These pics are all gorgeous! I think my favorite with the whole family is the piggy back shot, but they're all amazing! I love them.
Great pictures! My favorite is the swinging one.
It doesn't get much better than this! Not a bad one in the bunch - especially love the B&W!
-Tamara and Brinna
Fantastic pictures! Such a beautiful family....and, Amanda, you do look gorgeous!
Oh...and I love the last one!
Great Pictures! I like the one walking down the steps...the t-ball..the ride on Dad's shoulders..the swinging one and the one on the steps at the house. Did I get them all?!? I'll see you tomorrow!
Loved all of the pictures. Amanda you glow. Jackson is getting so big.
Grammy, Auburndale, FL
Super fantastic pictures. They are all great and special. Thanks for sharing.
Grandpa and Nana
Great pictures...love the stairs :)
Love the photos. The last one is a great family picture.
Beautiful pictures!!!
Great Pictures --- I can't decide which is best. There is even a good photo of the 3.5 person family!
What great fotos-everyone!! What a handsome family!
My favorite is the artistic one of them walking down the stairs.
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