

and #3:

(Hehe, see what I mean?)
And last but not least, showing me his four teeth:

Even though they told me not to bring my camera so I wouldn't feel like I was working all weekend, I didn't listen - I had a chance to photograph my own kids for once... this time of year my girls are the cobbler's children... no photos, poor babies. ;) Had to jump at the chance. Here's my teenie Sadie, 4 1/2 months old and loving her own toes:

Grins from my girl:

Hayden, not sure what to make of Sadie:

And 4 year old Annie, giving Sadie a squeeze:

All the kiddos on a hotel bed:

And then at the very end of the weekend, as we headed to our cars, we stopped by a bush to grab a family shot - and Hayden was such a good model! We love you guys, thanks for a great weekend. And to my clients... tomorrow I'll be back to my regularly scheduled work!
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Oh, but before I leave you, and lest you think I only shoot b&w on vacation... do not fear! I too, have a pocket-sized digital camera, and the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland at Storyland gave the grown-ups an opportunity to be total weirdos and do rabbit impressions. Nice, eh?

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