Love the tiny tiny legs:

Sweet cuddle:

With his doting dad:

Holding his mom's thumb:

Looking longingly into mama's eyes:

So you'd never know in this 2nd shot that it was pouring rain out, would you? These guys were such good sports to plop right now on the stairs to recreate their maternity shot from a few weeks before... and then toss me their umbrella at the last second. You thought teenie boy T was squinting his eyes because he was sleeping? No, just avoiding the rain in his eyes :)
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Beautiful pictures of a perfect, beautiful baby! They make me want to pick up and cover him with kisses. They make me smile!
What a doll. He takes a great picure. Paige is dying to see him in person!
Auntie Beeg thinks Tucker is just a doll baby! Mommy and Daddy look pretty good too.
Auntie Jen said...
What a beautiful little boy! He is such a little bundle of love. The pictures are fantastic. We can't wait to see him again.
Beautiful pictures!! Enjoy your beautiful boy!
these turned out fabulously! what a beautiful family! can't wait to meet him!!!
Aunt Evelyn says great pictures. Looking forward to holding litle Tucker Daniel.
We wish we could just give him a big hug and kiss cause he looks so sweet. Can't wait to hold him.
What a little cutie patutie! I can't wait to meet him!
Love the ones on the porch! All of them are wonderful!
these photos are precious! he's just perfect chris and erin! you make a gorgeous family!
All the pictures are beautiful, but the first one is my favorite!
These are beautiful! I love the first one too!
I am having a difficult time deciding which pictures to get. They are simply beautiful but make me wish I lived closer.
Nana A
what a neat idea - before and after. great pics
Great pictures. Good luck deciding. My favorite is the smiling one. I didn't think a 2 week old could do that!
You have such an eye for perspective! I love it!
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