Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A future best friend for Annie

See that belly there? No pressure on my 2 1/2 yr old Annie, but that belly's housing her future best friend. I'm only sure of this because the baby's dad is my husband's best friend Sasha, and you have to be best friends with the friends your parents choose for you, right? ;)

So I've got lots of daddy pictures to post today from this fun session last weekend because Marni (the future best friend's wonderful momma) needs to choose her Father's Day photos, and time's getting tight. Here's one:

0828, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

Love the giggles:

0794, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

Did I mention how gorgeous Marni is?

0841, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

1006, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

Whispering to the little one:

0955, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

We can only hope the new little one gets mom's fantastic laugh and smile:

0908, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

Now, for a couple I didn't know well, I'd say this is the shot to use as a Father's Day present. It's sweet, it's dad talking to the belly...

0872, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

But anyone who knows Sash knows that he's not yelling in this picture, but singing. And Sash singing is Sash being himself. So this is the one I love best. I hope you enjoy them, too, guys.

0878, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

One last pretty momma pic:

0800, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

And I have to admit I broke my own "no weddings" rule last year and shot Sash and Marni's wedding. Weren't they gorgeous and glowing even back then? And when the baby's born, I guess we won't force the best friend thing... but you never know... :)

M & S Wedding, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

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