Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Three cousins turn one

A couple of weeks ago, three cousins, all with birthdays a few weeks from each other, turned one.  I've said it before, but I find that birthday parties are best photographed in color.  So although I usually love b&w best... here are some color party shots.  The families enjoyed some delicious food:
3182 by you.

And they were lucky enough to kick off their 2nd year of life with some of the most gorgeous cupcakes I've ever seen! (And I just found out their mom is a pro - here's a link to her cupcake company.)
3435 by you.

And then the three birthday cuties enjoyed their cupcakes:
3510 by you.

There was the first lovely 1 year old L:
3594 by you.

With her twin older sister and brother:
3301 by you.

And the second beautiful birthday girl, A:
3129 by you.

And the third handsome birthday boy, J:
3468 by you.

And everybody enjoyed the bounce house. Thanks for having me, guys.  All your photos are almost finished!
3534 by you.

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