So when you've got that kind of history with me, you get to jump the line a bit and get (at least your blog post) done right away. (The rest of the pictures will be done in a couple of weeks, guys, sorry - trying to still be a bit fair to everybody else.)
But for now, I had to at least show you these.
How cool is this? Ms. M is a lovely lady of seven and a half (nearly eight) now, and she obligingly made this photo with me. I'm digging it.

A little history? I've stopped doing these "see what they looked like when they were tiny" examples in the blog, because digging out the old photos was taking me too much time... but I thought Ms. M deserved it. Look at those knuckles!

And now she has two beautiful sisters... they had a blast playing in the water today.

And their parents were troopers when I suggested they sit their wet little butts down in laps. But it worked! :)

The little ones get their big sister:

The divine Ms. C - now five years old!

And what happens when you ask the three year old to fill up the pool? Maybe some of the water actually makes it there....

And here she is, the lovely Ms. S - the best expression!

OK, sorry to tease all these and then make you wait weeks for the rest, but I was excited to peek through them and I had to honor my little muse. Thanks again for having me back. See you guys soon!
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