These guys were given a gift certificate for their first shoot by a great friend (a.k.a. Auntie Kath), and I'm so excited to show them all the pictures! Here's a toesie kiss. Look at those tiny legs!

And cradled in dad's bicep, showing off his own bicep :)


Beautiful, all around.

And I always know when I'm in a mellow dog family when they let their pup (the first baby) give the new baby smooches. Now that's true love.

I love how tiny he looks here on the bed, legs crossed:

And that startle reflex that goes away so quickly! Glad we caught it here.

Handsome dude.

See that Dad is holding the binkie in this shot? Can you just hear the *POP* noise it made as it was extracted from C's mouth?

So great to meet you guys. Hope to see you again soon! Thanks again, Auntie Kath!
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How am I suppose to get any work done when I'm going to be staring at the pics all day?!
Jess, as always, beautiful shots.You are so talented, by friend.
And this baby? Well, I might be biased but he's one hell of a looker! I can't wait to see the rest of the shots!
Amazing photos of an amazing family. xoxo
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