Friday, April 11, 2008

Basket of goodness

I almost didn't notlice little O when I walked into the room where he was lying peacefully in his basket this morning. He's only 7 weeks old, and it's hard to tell in this picture, but he has the best hair - mom's little monchhichi :)

09915, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

This is, "Mommy, I'm so sorry I kept you up so much last night." I think he's forgiven.

09906, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

I just love those little fingers up in the air - not to mention the gorgeous eyes.

09985, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

09990, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

09945, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

And as we finished up the pictures today, O graciously fell asleep - I think because he knew how adorable he was as he slept. He wanted to make sure we got a few snoozing shots. What a guy. Thanks for today, guys! I'll send you a link to all your pictures as soon as I can.

10040, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

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