Brrr! It's cold outside. What better way to show how cozy it is to be a little one month old cutie in January than to take a snooze in a hat and a cozy blanket? This is beautiful baby S, and I met her last month for her newborn pictures with her family, and this past weekend I got to go back and have a session just with her.

And I think this is my favorite sleeping picture. It's a little more non-traditional, as sleepy baby pictures go, but I love how she's hiding her face under her dimpled little hand.

A funkier version of the sleeping girl picture:

Now eventually they start to wake up. And this time was no different. But the waking up faces are the BEST! I couldn't choose between this one for the blog:

And this one. Which one's better, do you think?

And then of course you have the fully awake sweet kissy mouth:

Twinkley eyes:

Mama suggesting big brother T give his baby sister a kiss "Right here..." Baby sister seems agreeable to the idea.

Big brother, not so much. But gorgeous in his own right!

Don't you love the way T is looking at his sister, so playfully? And she's so alert!

Wonderful to see you guys again as always!
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