Her big brother G just loves her little toes. I love this moment:

Isn't she gorgeous? She's only four weeks old, and just lovely already:

A sweet cuddle with her pretty momma:

The tender big brother moments during the shoot were so wonderful:

And of course in a pretty party dress:

We couldn't forget that big brother G is turning 3 soon. I've been taking his photos every six months since he was a chubby adorable baby like his sister. And now he's just such a big handsome boy!

I like this family shot - Dad and G are watching their sweet new baby girl, and Mom is watching her sweet boy be fascinated by his sister.

And last of all, the girlie fell asleep at the end of the shoot and curled up under her fists... I love the way the light almost glows around her in this shot.

Wonderful as always to see you guys! All the rest of your pictures will be done ASAP :)